PAEC PO Box 51 Jobs 2019 Jauharabad District Khushab Application Form Download for Public Notice No. 01/2019 is available here for the following positions.
PO Box 51 Jobs 2019
Jobs list:
- Technician-I (Electrical, Mechanical Chemical)
- Technician-II (Mechanical
- Carpenter, Plumber)
- Tech-III (Painter, Plumber, HVAC, Riger)
- Jr. Assistant-I (Admin)
- Jr. Assistant-I (Accounts)
- Telecom Operator-II
- Driver-III
- Cook-II/Mess Attendant-II/Tandoorchi-II/Waiter-II
How to Apply?
- Applicants should apply on the prescribed form which can be downloaded from the following web link given Above.
- Duly filled the application with attested copies of educational degrees/ certificates/testimonials/experience must reach the following address Sr. Admin (Officer), (Estt) PO Box No. 59, Jauharabad, District Khushab.
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