Jail Khana Jat Punjab Jobs 2021 Prison Department of Punjab as announced the latest job opportunities for the Punjab Domiciled candidates in different regions of Punjab .
Jail Khana Jat Punjab Jobs 2021
Name Of Posts:
- Junior Clerk (06 Posts)
- Data Entry Operator / Computer Operator (06 Posts)
- Warder (804 Posts)
- Female Warder (21 Posts)
New Jobs in Pakistan: Click here
How to Apply?
- Candidates may download the application form and deposit slip from the official site of NTS which is www.nts.org.pk
- Duly filled application form along with originally paid deposit slip of Rs. 500/- as test fee in favor of NTS and all other documents should reach the following address given below.
- Test fee shall be paid in any branch of HBL, Meezan Bank, MCB or ABL on prescribed bank challan.
- All applications should reach at NTS Headquarters, 1-E, Sector I-8/2, Islamabad.
Jobs in Jail Khana Jat Punjab