Punjab Rozgar Scheme 2020. Punjab Rozgar Scheme 2020 Today Under Which Loans Up To Rs10 Million Will Be Given To Increase Employment In The Province. The Punjab Rozgar 2021 Scheme Will Help Young People To Fend For Themselves By Starting Their Own Businesses. The Punjab Rozgar 2020 Scheme, Which Was Launched By The Prime Minister Of Pakistan On October 1, 2020. This Scheme Aims To Overcome Poverty And People Struggling With Jobs And Being Made Redundant. We Encourage All Male / Female Applicants Not To Miss This Punjab Rozgar 2020 Scheme.
Punjab Rozgar Scheme will facilitate in terms of financial support to startups and existing businesses in Punjab with special focus on COVID-19 hit businesses. The scheme emphasizes trade, service, manufacturing, agriculture and livestock sectors.
Under Punjab Green Development Program financial support will also be provided to Micro and other enterprises that want to adopt resource efficient and cleaner production technologies to improve environmental performance.
Target Group
- University/College Graduates with entrepreneurial skill
- Diploma/Certificate holder from TVET having technical/vocational training.
- Artisans and skilled workers
- Existing Businesses
(However, preference will be given to existing businesses in wake of the current COVID-19 pandemic) - Micro and other enterprises that apply for a loan to adopt resource-efficient and cleaner production technologies or any Green / Environment-friendly intervention to improve the environmental performance of their operations.
Eligibility Criteria For Punjab Rozgar Scheme 2020
The following eligibility criteria will be adhered to process the loans under Punjab Rozgar Scheme:
- Age: 20 to 50 years
- Gender: Male / Female / Transgender
- Resident: Citizen of Pakistan, Resident in Punjab, verified through CNIC
- Business Location: Punjab
- Business Type: Sole Proprietor, Partnership, or any business fulfilling other eligibility criteria
- Must have a clean e-CIB / Credit History
- For startups / new businesses
- Having a viable business plan
- For existing businesses
- Having a viable business plan with a focus to sustain the impact of COVID-19
- Having Valid CNIC
- Any other parameter to be set by Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) / Government
Schedule of Charges
Schedule of Charges to be paid by the Applicant / Borrower will be as under:
Application Processing Fee
Rs.2000/- (non-refundable) at the time of submission of application
Valuation / legal / documentation charges inclusive of revenue stamps, Government duties / fee etc. : At Actual Rate
Insurance ( if applicable) : At Actual Rate
Partial / Balloon / Early Settlement Charges : NIL
Late Installment Payment Charges: Rs. 1 per 1000 per day on principal amount to be calculated from monthly installment from due date till date of actual payment
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How To Apply On Punjab Rozgar Scheme 2020 Full Complete Instructions
Dear Applicant,
You must have scanned copies / clear visible pictures of following documents ready before you start your application:
- Picture with complete face
- Front-side of CNIC
- Back-side of CNIC
- Latest Educational degree / Certificate, if and whatever applicable (Matric, Intermediate, Bachelors, Masters, PHD) etc (if applicable)
- Experience certificate(s) (if applicable)
- License / Registration with Chamber or Trade Body (if applicable)
- Scanned Copy of Security Documents to be offered for availing Loan
You must have the following information handy before you start your application:
- National Tax Number(non-mandatory), in case you don’t have one please register at https://iris.fbr.gov.pk/
- Consumer ID of Electricity bill installed at your current address
- Consumer ID of Electricity bill installed at your current office address (if applicable)
- Registration number of any vehicle registered in your name (if applicable)
- In case of new business an estimate of Monthly business income, business expenses, household expenses and other income
- In case of existing business actual Monthly business income, business expenses, household expenses and other income
- Name, CNIC and Mobile numbers of Two References other than Blood relative
Please note:
- This application shall take at least 15 minutes to complete subject to availability of above listed information/documents.
- You may complete the form in one go or in trenches by saving uploaded sections and submit at any time
- After submission of the application, no change/amendment shall be allowed
- Please upload as much information as you have e.g. Financial Statements, Business Feasibility, Last 6 months
- Bank statement, etc. This shall help to better evaluate your application
- Once the form is submitted, your Application Registration Number (ARN) shall appear on the screen and you will also receive SMS stating the same, please keep it saved
- Please visit the nearest branch of The Bank of Punjab (BOP) along with Application Registration Number (ARN) in order to deposit Processing fee of Rs. 2,000/- after which processing of your application will start
- To find the nearest branch of The Bank of Punjab (BOP), please visit this link (https://www.bop.com.pk/Branch-Network)
- You will receive SMS once your application moves to next stage of process, however you may check application status on this Link as well (https://rozgar.psic.punjab.gov.pk)
- New/Fresh application can only be processed if, first application is rejected or first loan is paid off/cleared