Application are invited for following positions in Punjab Forensic Science Agency Jobs 2021 Latest Advertisement PFSA Application Form Download.
Punjab Forensic Science Agency Jobs 2019
Jobs List:
- Forensic Scientist (DNA & Serology)
- Forensic Scientist (Narcotics)
- Forensic Scientist (Toxicology)
- Forensic Scientist (Trace Chemistry)
- Forensic Scientist (Firearm & Tool Marks)
- Forensic Scientist (Latent Finger Print)
- Forensic Scientist (Polygraph)
- Forensic Scientist (Pathology & Histology)
- Forensic Scientist (Audio Visual Analysis)
- Forensic Scientist (Photography)
- Forensic Scientist (Computer Forensic)
- Forensic Scientist (Crime & Death Scene Investigation)
- Assistant
- Building Supervisor
- Security Incharge
- Junior Computer Operator
- HVAC Technician
- Sanitary Supervisor
- Hardware Technician
- Telephone Operator
- Electrician
Session Court Sargodha Jobs: District and Session Court Jobs 2021 Punjab & Sargodha Domiciled
How to Apply for PFSA Jobs 2021:
- The candidate has to deposit processing fee amounting to Rs. 2000/- for the posts of Forensic Scientist (Sr# 01 to 13) and Rs. 500/- for other posts (Sr# 14 to 22).
- All applications should be submitted only on prescribed Application Form which may be downloaded from PFSA website i.e. alongwith the challan form for depositing processing fee.
- The candidate must attach with his application form, a paid challan form , updated CV, two recent photographs and duly attested copies of degrees/certificates, experience certificates, CNIC, domicile, NOC (in case of Govt. employee).
- Stay in touch with us and keep visiting our site for more jobs Alert.
Jobs in Punjab Forensic Science Agency