PO Box 2191 Jobs 2019, Application are invited for followig position Atomic Energy for Technician-I, Tech-II, Junior Assistant, Computer Operator, & other
PO Box 2191 Jobs 2019
Name Of Post:
- Technician-I
- Tech-II
- Scientific Assistant
- Junior Assistant
- Computer Operator
- Fire Fighter
- Data Entry Operator
- Scientific Assistant-III
- Driver
How To Apply for PO Box 2191?
- Interested candidates should apply on prescribed form available at www.alljobspk.com
- Duly filled application form along with attested copies of educational degrees/certificates/testimonials/experience should reach Sr. Admin. Officer, PO Box No. 2191, Islamabad.
- Name of the post applied for with Serial No. should be written clearly at top right corner of the envelope.
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Jobs in PO Box 2191 Islamabad