Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals, having domiciles in the relevant Provinces/ Regions as detailed below, against the following vacant posts in the Federal Board of Revenue (HQ) Islamabad and Directorate of Research & Statistics, Islamabad.
Federal Board of Revenue Jobs 2022
List of Jobs in FBR:
- Admin & Finance Specialist
- Architect
- IT Consultant
- Mis-Invoicing Impact Assessment Economist
- MIS/Data Analytics Specialist
- Revenue Impact Analysis Economist
Jobs alert Pk: Jobs in University of Engineering and Technology 2022
How to Apply For FBR Jobs:
- Desired persons can forward their applications to Procurement Specialist, Program Office, Room No. 712, 7th Floor, FBR House, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad.
- CVs containing complete information must be submitted before 31st May 2022.
- The applicants must attach a copy of CNIC and relevant documents.
- If you want to apply for more than one post, you have to submit a separate application.
FBR Jobs in Pakistan