CTD Punjab Police Jobs 2019 Police Counter Terrorism Department provides you latest job opportunities announced for Punjab Domiciled.
CTD Punjab Police Jobs 2019
Jobs List:
Information Technology Wing:
- IT / Hardware Technician
- Data Entry Operator
Forensics & Explosives Wing:
- Supervisor Forensics
- Supervisor Explosives
- Assistant Supervisor (Forensics)
- Assistant Supervisor (Explosives)
- Vacant Positions CTD Technical Wing:
- Supervisor (Electrical)
- Supervisor (Mechanical)
- Assistant Supervisor (Electrical)
- Assistant Supervisor (Mechanical)
- Helper (Mechanical)
- Helper (Electrical)
How to Apply?
- Candidates may download an application form and a deposit slip from the official site of NTS which is www.nts.org.pk or it can be downloaded from our site alljobspk.com.
- Duly filled application form along with a copy of CNIC and two recent photographs should reach on the following at NTS Headquarter, 1-E, Street No. 46, I-8/2, Islamabad.
- Candidates have to attach with application form original paid deposit slip of Rs. 390/- in favor of NTS.
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Jobs in CTD Police