Capital Development Authority CDA Jobs. Candidates fulfilling the following requisite criteria are invited to appear for Interview for following vacant posts.
Capital Development Authority CDA Jobs 2021
Name of Posts:
- Khakroob/Cleaner
- Truck Loader
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How to Apply?
- Relaxation in upper age limit shall be admissible as per Federal Government rules and policy.
- The selected candidates shall be governed by the Service Regulation of the CDA.
- All applicable quotas will be observed /calculated as per policy of Federal Government.
- The Candidates will have to bring Original CNIC, Certificates, Domicile, Experiences (if any) and Latest Photograph, at the time of interview.
- The Serving candidates will have to bring NOC from their departments.
- No. TA/DA will be allowed.
- CDA has reserved the right to reduce, increase or abolish any or all the posts without assigning any reason.
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