Pakistan Railway Jobs 2021, Application are invited form Pakistan Railway for following position. Recruitment of these positions will be held on a one-year contract basis which is extendable as per the demand of the project.
Pakistan Railway Jobs 2021
Name of Posts:
- Sub Engineer/Civil
- Sub Engineer/Electrical
- Sub Engineer/Signals
- Sub Engineer/Telecom
- Sub Engineer/ Mechanical
How to Apply?
- The application form shall be download by visiting the (Pakistan Railways) Website career
- All Interested candidates who meet the criteria, send their application form along with the required documents to the address given below
- Attested copies of all educational documents, CNIC, Domicile. Certificate of Covid-I9 Vaccination from NADRA, 2x Recent photograp
- Three envelope duly stamped and return address mention thereon
- The eligibility of the candidates shall be determined on the basis of applicant qualification, performance in written test and interview (70% Written Test 30% interview).
- The departmental candidates shall submit their application through the proper channel.
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