WAPDA LESCO Jobs 2019, Jobs in Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) are available and applications are invited from the well educated, hardworking and intelligent candidates for the following vacant positions.
Name of Posts:
- Junior Engineer (BPS-17)
- Junior Engineer (Civil) (BPS-17)
- Assistant Manager (Customer Service) (BPS-17)
- Line Superintendent Grade-I (BPS-15)
- Bill Distributor (BPS-07)
How To Apply for WAPDA?
- Application Form and Deposit Slip can be downloaded from the official site of NTS or from Alljobspk.com.
- Applications along with attested copies of all educational documents, domicile certificate, CNIC and other relevant documents as well as two recent passport size photographs should reach on the following address given below in Advertisement.
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Jobs in Lesco